“Increase your good fortune… and transform your business”
How good does that sound? Unfortunately, it’s not actually quite that simple - you do have to work at it - but ultimately, transformation is the end result of giving your business a good spring clean. We don’t need to say it all again, we all know that 2021 has not been a year like any other. Whatever you had planned has been changed, cancelled, pivoted or shelved. Who ever would have thought that it would turn out this way? Not many.
All that aside, let’s look on the bright side - it’s spring (!!) and that means new beginnings. Time to refresh, renew, reconnect, recycle and reconnect. Every business - no matter how long you have been running - needs to do a spring clean once in a while. It doesn’t have to involve changing everything or starting from scratch, it’s the small changes that will ultimately make the biggest differences. So where do you start?

1. A good place to start
...is to ask yourself “what could I be doing better?” If you have a team of people, ask them what they think - there may be some great ideas in there! Often you have people in your team that go with the flow and don’t speak up (we might have a couple of them too) but when you ask them for their thoughts they have some great contributions!
2. Look at your data
...who is visiting your website, when, what are they looking at, how did they find you? Spend some time with your social media insights or your EDM open rates - you might see a pattern that you hadn’t noticed before. Numbers on their own are just that: numbers. They need to be interpreted and turned into useful information that you can then use to make some changes in your business.
3. Refresh
Maybe it’s time to update the images on your website - it is spring after all, and the holiday season is on it’s way! Is your website looking fresh and bright to match? How long has your website looked the way it does now? What about your Instagram bio - what is that saying about you? Can it do with a bit of a re-gig?

4. Renew
There is a lot to say about being thankful for objects and things from our past - that's what Marie Kondo says anyway - but there is always time to renew. Maybe it's sharpening your tools of the trade or your knowledge. There is always something new to learn. I guess that’s what the saying "out with the old and in with the new" is all about, right?
5. Recycle
Have you run some some digital ads in the past that worked well for you? Maybe you can dust them off and get them working for you again? Maybe your image was great, but the words can do with a little tweaking. Or did you nail your message but not so much your visuals?
6. Reconnect
This one is a biggie! Reaching out and reconnecting with people that you haven’t spoken to for a while can make some big changes to your business. It might be via your EDM, maybe you bring back some old customers. Or it might be a phone call or a coffee date with an ex-colleague or mentor.
Spring has sprung and now is as better time as ever to do something new for yourself and your business.
WORDS | Fiona Keogh, TLSE