It's time to introduce you to our newest contributor at TLSE. It is with great pleasure and believe me it is a pleasure getting to try all these delicious things that we introduce you to Helen Vlahakis, the name and talent behind "Mumma's Country Kitchen"

Helen is a passionate home cook. Her Kitchen is her happy place, she says that her "heart sings loudest when she's cooking up a feast using fresh produce and sharing it with her loved ones'. Her passion translates well into the food she prepares. The proof is definitely in the pudding.
Helen is a big fan of the “paddock to plate” movement, she lives by it and her dream is to help people get back into their kitchens cooking up simple dishes using local seasonal produce.
She is talking about taking the whole process one step further though, by taking wholesome food that is completely respected throughout the picking, the preparation and cooking process. Helen believes this is a tastier and more realistic way to eat "it leads to less waste and is better for you and those you are cooking for."

Being from a Greek family Helen knows that it’s ok to be a little naughty in order to maintain a healthy and balanced diet . Trust me, these delicious treats are hard to resist. " Sweet or savoury, cake or quiche, bread or biscuit, baking anything is an absolute joy and, when combined with the addition of fresh produce, is definitely my favourite type of cooking" spruike's Helen
"There is nothing better than a kitchen filled with the aromas of freshly baked treats"

Helen is going to be sharing her love with us on the pages of the TLSE blog as The Food Edit. Her mouthwatering images and the recipes to go with them will have your rushing out to the grocer to buy your ingredients for you to test them out for yourselves.
Helen's recipes, all her own will be showcasing good honest country style cooking that everyone can enjoy, whether you live in the city and are buying your produce or in the country foraging your own home grown goodness. She will be sharing one a month with us, the recipe will be aligned with the season so all the ingredients will be readily available.
We can't wait to see what she prepares, we have sampled some of her tasty treats already and everything is absolutely amazing. Also, it will be fun to see what you create, we will be posting on instagram with a #foodedit tag and will expect to see all your creations with your #myfoodedit tag too.
Stay Tuned for the first delicious recipe coming very soon.