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A little fat burning never hurt anyone.

I think it's safe to say that these days women are hit at every angle as to what is available to make themselves look better and the older you get the worse it gets.

We support the fact that it's a woman's choice to do whatever she likes with her body but I personally am not a fan of injecting things into my body, so when I was asked recently by the team at North Shore Aesthetics to pop in for a treatment I have to admit I was freaking out a bit.

All my fear melted away when I met Anne, the owner, I loved how she was so passionate about working with all types of women, how she was committed to doing what she could to make women feel as comfortable in their own skin as possible.

It's one thing getting your gear off in front of a stranger, but talking about the bits you don't love as much as the others well it's a little confronting. But after about 2 minutes I felt like I was with a girlfriend just shooting the breeze and discussing what was about to happen.

CoolTech Fat Freezing

Yep. Non Surgical fat freezing. take the lot I said to Anne, it's all yours, it really is pretty simple and I was super excited to give it a go. Results can be seen in as soon as 15 days but about 5 weeks after the treatment is when you see the real results.

Here's what it actually does

  • It eliminates fat pockets from the body without causing any discomfort or posing any hazards.

  • The treatment is appropriate for anybody who struggles to get rid of stubborn lumps, bumps, and bulges on their body.

  • Cooltech fat freezing procedures need no injections, no cuts, no downtime, and no wearing of restrictive garments.

  • Because of the short and simple nature of this therapy, you may return to your normal routine after a procedure.

All true, I was in my treatment for a couple of hours, and then I was off on my way.

Now, this alone is not a fix-all to the solution of a few bumps and lumps, it's to be done in conjunction with healthy eating and an active lifestyle, it's a little helping hand on the road as you get a little bit older and things are harder to maintain, like when menopause kicks you up the ass and adds those bumps in places you didn't have them in before.

The Cooltech fat freezing device sucks your excess fat and then it reduces the temperature of fat cells to a point where they literally will die off over time. It is so satisfying and consequently, approximately 30% of the fat in the treated region may be eliminated in each treatment session. Following the treatment, your body’s natural defense system kicks in to safely eliminate the dead fat tissue in the weeks following.

Verdict. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever done this treatment if it wasn't offered to me, but now, I am converted, LOVED it and yes it has worked and if you have been sitting on the fence about a treatment like this then I would thoroughly recommend that you give Anne a call. You will be in good hands and the technology of her machines are top of the line. It literally helped me out and I feel better about how I look. It's such a simple thing, but it really has made a difference.

Interested ? Cooltech® can be performed on

  • Thighs (both inner and outer)

  • Arms

  • Abdomen

  • Sides

  • Hips

  • Love handles

  • Double Chin

  • Waist, flanks, and thighs

  • Back

  • Waist

Anne really was knowledgeable and really supportive, it was nice to know I was in good hands and there was no pressure to do anything I wasn't comfortable with and I couldn't have been more thrilled with the result.

For more information and to book go here


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